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If your working site is within jurong island or having strict requirement by project owner, you may contact our team at 8831 3875 so we can advise you the right equipment that fit into your site requirement.

If you are looking for long term rental more than 6 months, contact us for better rate.

Tracked Scissor Lift For Rent

Rent Tracked Scissor Lift across undefined with top-quality equipment at the best rental rates on Antbuildz. Instantly compare units from multiple suppliers across all specifications in one place. Looking to buy? Browse here!


Official partner by Antbuildz.com

Your equipment rental will be covered by Antbuildz Equipment Rental Protection Insurance Up to S$30,000.


Official partner by Antbuildz.com

Your equipment rental will be covered by Antbuildz Equipment Rental Protection Insurance Up to S$30,000.

Rental /

Tracked Type MEWP /

Tracked Scissor Lift

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#Below 6m

#Platform 6m

#Platform 8m

#Platform 10m

#Platform 12m

#Platform 14m

#Platform 16m


Partner's Rating

Star ratings are provided to reflect the owner’s equipment quality, breakdown respond time, delivery/collection punctuality and communication promptness.


Platform Height : 8 Meter







Two-way Delivery


Delivery price could be varied due to distance and other conditions

SGD 460




Rental Price (Tax Exclusive)


Explore More Equipment!

About Tracked Scissor Lift :




1. What is rental cost of a Scissor Lift?


Scissor Lift rental rate depends on the Scissor Lift platform height (meters) and if the Scissor Lift is powered by diesel or electric. For example, an electric Scissor Lift rental cost as low as $150 per day, $200 per week, or $400 per month, while a diesel Scissor Lift ranges from $350 per day, $600 per week, or $1200 per month.


Check rental pricing of a Tracked Scissor Lift for your preferred rental duration here:



2. Why choose a Scissor Lift over other vertical lift?


Scissor Lift rental is highly common and very popular in Singapore because electric Scissor Lift is cheaper to rent, drivable and easy to maneuver, and has a higher platform capacity (kg) to carry more materials. However, if your site has tight access and low ground bearing, then you may consider a vertical lift.


3. Which Scissor Lift is the best fit for my project requirements?


You may rent a Scissor Lift platform height of 4m, 6m, 8m, 10m, 12m, 14m and 16m. Electric Scissor Lift is the preferred choice for most site conditions. However, if your job site faces challenges like lack of power supply and uneven floors, then you may consider a diesel Scissor Lift.


4. If my project is located at Jurong Island, or is owned by an owner with stringent site requirements like LTA, BCA, or certain MNC, can the Scissor Lift meet its requirement?


For sites mentioned above, please contact Antbuildz Team before you rent a Scissor Lift so we may advise the best unit that meet your site requirements. Important considerations include age of equipment, spark arrestor, and validity period of LM/LE certificate.


5. Can I rent a Scissor Lift for just 1 day?


Yes! Antbuildz.com lets you rent a Scissor Lift for as short as 1 day, up to months or years as you require.


6. Does Scissor Lift rental include any insurance coverage?


Yes! Whether you rent a Scissor Lift for 1 day or 1 month, Antbuildz Protection Plan safeguards you with up to S$30,000 coverage for a safer rental experience. Only Antbuildz.com provides you with FREE Equipment All Risk Insurance across the entire Singapore!