What are the other LE (Lifting Equipment) Certs in Singapore?

By Antbuildz Editorial Team

05 March, 2022

What are the other LE (Lifting Equipment) Certs in Singapore?

In Singapore, the rentals of lifting machines and lifting gears such as lorry cranes, mobile cranes, excavators, concrete bucket lifting slings and etc. are very common in the market to execute projects of any kind. You will surely hear about LM or LG certs if you are using them. But have you wondered what exactly is an LM or LP Cert?


In our previous blog, we have discussed about LP (Lifting Platform) Certs. In this blog, we will be focusing on the other types of LE (Lifting Equipment) Certs. Mainly, 

LM (Lifting Machine) and LG (Lifting Gear) Certs.

What is an LM (Lifting Machine) Cert?

LM Certs are one of the main categories of Lifting Equipment (LE) Certificate Classifications by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Singapore. To put it simply, an LM Cert is a type of LE Cert.


LM Certs are issued when a piece of lifting machine has passed the inspection by a MOM accredited professional engineer. LM Certs will be valid for 12 months and only certified lifting machines can be legally used in Singapore.


Some of the common equipment that requires an LM Cert include lorry cranes, mobile cranes and excavators (Yes, with the right attachments, excavators can be used as a lifting machine too!). However, if a lorry crane has a bucket attachment that allows a worker to stand inside to work at height, the bucket will need to be certified with an LG Cert.


A 25T mobile crane in operation.


Looking to rent mobile cranes? Visit Antbuildz.com for the best rates today!


What is an LG (Lifting Gear) Cert?

LG Certs are also one of the main categories of LE Certs. Similar to LM Certs, LG Certs will only have to go through inspection every 12 months. The equipment under the LG Cert classification are generally smaller equipment or attachments that are used in conjunction with other equipment for the lifting of materials and cargo (e.g. lifting chains, slings etc.). 


However, if the said lifting gear is used to lift humans to work at height instead, the LG Cert validity of this equipment will only be 6 months (same as LP Certs). A great example would be the bucket/working platform attachment for a lorry crane.


A lorry carne with bucket attachment in operation.

Looking to rent lorry cranes? Visit Antbuildz.com for the best rates today!


Key information to take note of on an LM & LG Cert

A standard LE Cert.


1. LE Registration Number

Similar to a person’s Identity Card number, an LE Cert’s Registration Number is the unique identification number assigned to said LE Cert. You can recognize the LM or LG Cert by looking at the LE Registration Number. If the LE Cert number starts with “LM”, it signifies that this is an LM Cert. Similarly, “LG” signifies an LG Cert.


2. Distinctive Number

This refers to the serial number assigned to the equipment by the equipment manufacturer. Equipment users should always verify the serial number printed on the equipment’s chassis or plate to confirm that it matches with the distinctive number stated on the LM or LG Cert.


3. Owner of Lifting Equipment

If you are renting lifting equipment, you should pay attention to the owner information outlined on the LM or LG Cert. This is to verify if your equipment supplier is the actual owner of the equipment.


4. Expiry Date of Certification

LM and LG Certs are valid for 12 months (6 months if used to lift personnel) before the next inspection and renewal. It is not advisable to continue operating or using lifting machines/gears that have passed their LE Cert expiry date. If you are renting equipment, you should always keep track of the LE Cert expiry date and inform your equipment suppliers for renewals if necessary.


Other equipment information and specifications will also be outlined on the LE Cert, but the 4 types of information mentioned above are the primary ones to pay extra attention to.


Looking to rent excavators? Visit Antbuildz.com for the best rates today!


What do you need to check on LM & LG Certs?

Some of the important information that you should take note of when renting Lifting Machines such as lorry cranes, mobile cranes, excavators and etc. are as follows:

  1. Check the equipment model and serial number if it matches with the equipment you rented.
  2. Check the equipment ownership if that belongs to the supplier.
  3. The expiration date of the LM and LG Cert.
  4. The stated maximum load capacity of the equipment fulfills your requirements and matches the manufacturer's data.

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With the above information, you should now have a good understanding of what an LM and LG Cert is in the context of the Singaporean construction industry. Not only can they certify the working condition of Lifting Machines and Lifting Gears, but it also outlines the key information and specifications of the inspected equipment. 


Th use of Lifting Machines and Lifting Gear is heavily regulated by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to protect the well-being and safety of workers. Thus, ensuring a safe built environment and working space for all stakeholders. 


Do the Equipment Listed on Antbuildz.com come with LM and LG Certs?

Yes! If the type of equipment that you reserved on Antbuildz.com requires an LM or LG Cert, our Antbuildz.com Partners have it ready for you. These days, many construction sites have dedicated site safety coordinators and strict site safety regulations. Hence, the requirement of LE Certs has become almost a certainty for lifting machines and lifting gear rentals.


Should the LE Cert expire during the rental period, our Antbuildz.com Partners will also arrange for the renewal before the expiry date to ensure minimal disruption at your job site. This is quite a common arrangement for lifting equipment on long-term rentals.


Looking to rent lifting machines, lifting gear and other construction equipment? Visit Antbuildz.com today to check for the best rental rates of all equipment types instantly. You can now Search, Compare, and Rent in just a few clicks.


Be it one day only or months, every equipment rental made on Antbuildz.com will be protected with Antbuildz Machinery All Risk Insurance that offers up to S$15,000 first loss coverage. We are the only company in Singapore that covers you with equipment rental insurance, and it’s FREE!


Any Questions?

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